Google Summer of Code 2019: Week 1 and 2

I got selected as a Google Summer of Code 2019 student with GNOME. It has been almost two weeks since the coding period started and I've been working with two awesome mentors Fabiano Fidencio and Felipe Borges.

Currently GNOME Boxes is able to do either express-installations on a downloaded ISO or to download an ISO and offer the option to express-install it. My project aims to add the support for express-installations using the OSes’ network trees. This would reduce the download size and mainly benefit the users with not so good internet connection.

I first tried few express-installations(unattended installations) on boxes from a downloaded media and compared the command line generated with that of the one generated in virt-install while installing a virtual machine from the network.

I've added a button  "Install from a tree" in boxes, on clicking it goes to a new window which lists all the operating systems that haven't yet crossed their end of lifecycle. Now I am trying to remove the operating systems that do not support tree based installations from the list.

I appreciate how builder has made my life much easier by having a button to update dependencies, which pulls the upstream repositories of all the dependencies and builds them itself.


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